Sunday, April 8, 2007

Gentoo's Problems

OK, I've seen everyone comment on Gentoo's problems. I'm not going to link to them all, there's plenty of opinion to be seen out there. The way I see it is that a large open source project will have 10s or 100s of conflicting personalities. The main thing to do is to keep them seperated as much as possible. For instance, look at how the Linux Kernel guys do it. Take a look at how many different "Linux Kernel" mailing lists there are. One does not depend on the other. Sure, they have to have one lieutenant to push things to Andrew and Linus, respectively, but let's keep it nice and separated. Let's not have to answer to any authority, but only do things because we're scratching our itch. And when you do have to speak to someone, try to do it with some tact. If we feel the need to disagree, let's not get personal. Try to keep things civil.

Look, I don't pretend to have all the answers, but follow the above and I can't imagine how problems persist. The main problem I see with Gentoo right now, are rude people, personal attacks, etc. I can't say I didn't see it coming.

As a Gentoo user, not a developer or anything else that's crazy, I've been personally attacked, called a liar. I refuse to post bugs on Gentoo's bugzilla. Not to say I won't in the future, but I can fix all my problems that I have on my computers, and will not deal with their attacks. Ever since then I've wanted to see Gentoo fork. Something with a better focus, quite possibly more receptive to other package managers. A distribution where nonsense isn't tolerated. I'm actually looking for something that is not such a democracy, that has a sensible leader and does not need a council, etc..

Gentoo needs competition, I don't consider anything that isn't Gentoo compatible as competition at the moment. Something like Sabayon with a much broader goal. Gentoo's goal was broad, but it's like a spoiled bread at the moment. But as I said, it sucks less then everything else out there at the moment so I'll stick with it until it's no longer viable.

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